Tuesday 11 February 2014


The AFRINVEST PROJECT is majorly a resource development concept that specializes in exploring diverse possibilities for the maximization of human potential, for a guaranteed sustainable development, with a keen focus on the African community.
One primary goal of this resource development project is to see to the creation, monitoring & effective management of concepts, systems & technologies that would collectively set the stage for the creation of “A NEW AFRICA” with the leverage of the online/social media platform.

Having clearly gone through most of AFDB’s laudable projects in Africa, we could identify a spirit that clearly communicates her sense of commitment towards wielding sustainable development in Africa. To this end, AFRINVEST, having identified AFDB’s efforts to ensuring a pattern of sustainable growth & development within the African community, we are willing to also launch out in firm support of AFDB’s efforts in creating an environment that can sustain development in Africa.

To this end, we have carefully developed an ‘operational model’ we call the ‘’AFRINVEST MODEL’’ that would wield maximum effectiveness in view of ensuring the possibility of AFDB’s commitment to actualizing the African Dream. This model which has been carefully developed  has within its operational system, a feasible plan having the potential of sustaining a pragmatic & long term development in Africa. This could become a more effective mercenary within AFDB’s corporate operational system in delivering her mission much more effectively as Africa’s no 1 premier finance institution.

If transformation & sustainable development as touching the African community is of utmost priority to the AFDB team, then this newly developed operational model ie the “AFRI-GOLD MODEL” shouldn’t just be seen as an option but a necessity in advancing your commitment towards ensuring sustainable development in Africa.

It would also interest you to know that you could be among those constituting the directorate board in respect of this huge Africa wide project, simply by creating possible contacts within your personal network circle that could serve as potential links to AfDB, hence giving us the opportunity of showcasing & exhibiting this huge project before the AfDB corporate team. Whoever person/organization that gives us a successful link to the African Development Bank(AfDB) qualifies to come on our directorate board with the benefit of stake ownership rights from whatever deal that follows this project
Qualified to make this level of investment? Then you could please contact us by sending an email to: afrinvestproject@gmail.com


Monday 10 February 2014


If our productivity margin in Africa doesn’t go beyond what we produce as African nations, we would continue to remain at this state of economic depression. It is therefore to this end that our MODEL majorly addresses this subject of ‘relative productivity’ with regards individual African nations. This hence explains the major reason why our network system is of utmost priority to our MODEL on economic reformation, as we know as a team that the economic system that can transform Africa is a “people focused economy”, where the people are delegated the necessary power & initiative to drive the economy through the power of creative & innovative ideas.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:It would also interest you to know that you could be among those constituting the directorate board in respect of this huge Africa wide project, simply by creating possible contacts within your personal network circle that could serve as potential links to AfDB, hence giving us the opportunity of showcasing & exhibiting this huge project before the AfDB corporate team. Whoever person or organization that gives a successful link to the African Development Bank (AfDB) qualifies to come on our directorate board with the benefit of stake ownership rights from whatever deal that emanates from this worthwhile project.
Qualified to make this level of investment? Then you could please contact us by sending an email to: afrinvestproject@gmail.com

Thursday 6 February 2014


The present day Africa must begin to place a sense of value on our inland resources, holding fast to what we have in terms of natural produce and resources, in an attempt to creatively explore the chances of making the most of these resources.The truth forever remains that the African continent stands the wildest opportunity to an ever thriving economy; only if we could seize this moment of wildest opportunity which accompanies the transition period Africa is currently experiencing, in wielding the greatest chances that would explore the wealth of our natural resources, with accurate & sophisticated business models required to position our product resource on the global market.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do you currently have on your network circle possible contacts that can serve as a vehicle to project this worthy cause before African Development Bank (AfDB)? Or maybe, you could link us with an organization or international body that could play this role effectively. Then you would be needed to use this as an avenue to become an investor in this huge Africa wide project that promises development, prosperity & generational change for the entire African community, and AfDB remains the only platform to leverage in driving this cause effectively
This is indeed an opportunity to explore, as it promises untold wealth and prosperity for the African community, while also giving you a stage to make your own significant contribution to the African Dream.
If this information interests you & you see the possibility to invest as touching the afore-mentioned subject of availing us possible contacts & links, then you could please contact us: afrinvestproject@gmail.com

Tuesday 4 February 2014


The strength & effectiveness of our plan is premised on that which underlies our operational belief system as a team ie we believe that maximum productivity as touching the African economy remains the only route out of this current poverty crisis. Every economy is usually greatly influenced first & foremost by the productivity pattern and rate obtained within that given region within the African community.
While bank aids, grants & loans are no longer proving effective with regards to economic development, our MODEL has developed a productivity-centered-economic system that will place a demand on Africans to maximize & make the most of what they naturally produce, in view of creating an industry out of what they naturally produce that can meet the demands of the global market.This we believe remains our only escape route from the doldrums of poverty which has over the years invaded the African community. 
Our model in the AFRINVEST PROJECT also features a feasible plan that would maximize the leverage of human resources alongside natural resources in wielding a sound productivity pattern for a sustainable economic development plan in Africa.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do you currently have on your network circle possible contacts that can serve as a vehicle to project this worthy cause before African Development Bank (AfDB)? Or maybe, you could link us with an organization or international body that could play this role effectively. Then you would be needed to use this as an avenue to become an investor in this huge Africa wide project that promises development, prosperity & generational change for the entire African community, and AfDB remains the only platform to leverage in driving this cause effectively

This is indeed an opportunity to explore, as it promises untold wealth and prosperity for the African community, while also giving you a stage to make your own significant contribution to the African Dream.
If this information interests you & you see the possibility to invest as touching the afore-mentioned subject of availing us possible contacts & links, then you could please contact us: afrinvestproject@gmail.com

Monday 3 February 2014


To this end, our mission right now is to create an alliance with well meaning Africans out there in view of leveraging their individual network in creating possible contacts that can serve as potential links to this Africa’s premier finance institution (AfDB), and this is where your role as a person would be greatly needed.

Do you currently have on your network circle possible contacts that can serve as a vehicle to project this worthy cause before African Development Bank (AfDB)? Or maybe, you could link us with an organization or international body that could play this role effectively. 
Then you would be needed to use this as an avenue to become an investor in this huge Africa wide project that promises development, prosperity & generational change for the entire African community, and AfDB remains the only platform to leverage in driving this cause effectively.
ACCRUED BENEFITS: Investing on this level ie just availing us a possible contact that will successfully link us with African Development Bank (AfDB), fetches you the following benefits:
  •   DIRECTORATE BOARD MEMBERSHIP: An opportunity to come on our executive board as a director in this huge project with all the privileges that this project portends.
  • STAKE OWNERSHIP BENEFIT: An opportunity to own stakes on this project, in view of the huge financial gains that accompanies the intended multi-million dollar worth project
  • SIGNIFICANCE STATUS OPPORTUNITY: An opportunity to be part of a cause committed to making significant impact in the continent of Africa, hence making you a contributor to the fulfillment of the AFRICAN DREAM.
This is indeed an opportunity to explore, as it promises untold wealth and prosperity for the African community, while also giving you a stage to make your own significant contribution to the African Dream. If this information interests you & you see the possibility to invest as touching the afore-mentioned subject of availing us possible contacts & links, then you could please contact us: afrinvestproject@gmail.com

Friday 31 January 2014


No human capital development program will ever be complete without first & foremost considering the patriotic instinct of the so called recipients of such human capital development programs. If the truth must be told, majority of the African populace have lost their sense of patriotism through unbelief in Africa, loss of hope towards the future of Africa. To this end, the first goal of any human development program being put in place towards African development must be to awaken the patriotic spirit of Africans. There’s just no amount of human capital development program doled out that can yield effective returns without renewing the sense of patriotism existing among the people.
This is exactly where the place of a sound OPERATIONAL NETWORK CIRCLE must be in place to provide the required environment by which such goal could be attained effectively.
Our model therefore features also, A NETWORK OPERATIONAL PLAN that promotes concepts which are uniquely crafted to communicate within the psyche of Africans a sense of hope & confidence in Africa & ultimately restoring that patriotic spirit amongst Africans.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do you currently have on your network circle possible contacts that can serve as a vehicle to project this worthy cause before African Development Bank (AfDB)? Or maybe, you could link us with an organization or international body that could play this role effectively.
Then you would be needed to use this as an avenue to become an investor in this huge Africa wide project that promises development, prosperity & generational change for the entire African community, and AfDB remains the only platform to leverage in driving this cause effectively
This is indeed an opportunity to explore, as it promises untold wealth and prosperity for the African community, while also giving you a stage to make your own significant contribution to the African Dream.

If this information interests you & you see the possibility to invest as touching the afore-mentioned subject of availing us possible contacts & links, then you could please contact us: afrinvestproject@gmail.com


The place of patriotism & passion must be considered seriously by the AFDB corporate body. There’s no form of HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM that would generate the required effectiveness which would drive Africa to development without the involvement of patriotic & passionate Africans first & foremost. Our network operational plan has therefore been modeled in a way that creates the platform to maximally engage these vital elements of human nature.
HOW? Through our network plan, we have developed clear & cutting edge concepts that will first & foremost communicate what we refer to as ‘THE AFRICAN DREAM’ to Africans on our network forum, in an attempt to have them buy into the vision of A GREATER AFRICA. This concept will be utilized with a great sense of creativity & innovation so as to deliver the maximum results expected.
IMPORTANT NOTICE:It would also interest you to know that you could be among those constituting the directorate board in respect of this huge Africa wide project, simply by creating possible contacts within your personal network circle that could serve as potential links to AfDB, hence giving us the opportunity of showcasing & exhibiting this huge project before the AfDB corporate team. Whoever person or organization that gives a successful link to the African Development Bank(AfDB) qualifies to come on our directorate board with the benefit of stake ownership rights from whatever deal that emanates from this worthwhile project.
Qualified to make this level of investment? Then you could please contact us by sending an email to: afrinvestproject@gmail.com

Wednesday 29 January 2014


The place of patriotism & passion must be considered seriously by the AFDB corporate body. There’s no form of HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM that would generate the required effectiveness which would drive Africa to development without the involvement of patriotic & passionate Africans first & foremost. Our network operational plan has therefore been modeled in a way that creates the platform to maximally engage these vital elements of human nature.
HOW? Through our network plan, we have developed clear & cutting edge concepts that will first & foremost communicate what we refer to as ‘THE AFRICAN DREAM’ to Africans on our network forum, in an attempt to have them buy into the vision of A GREATER AFRICA. This concept will be utilized with a great sense of creativity & innovation so as to deliver the maximum results expected.
IMPORTANT NOTICE:It would also interest you to know that you could be among those constituting the directorate board in respect of this huge Africa wide project, simply by creating possible contacts within your personal network circle that could serve as potential links to AfDB, hence giving us the opportunity of showcasing & exhibiting this huge project before the AfDB corporate team. Whoever person or organization that gives a successful link to the African Development Bank(AfDB) qualifies to come on our directorate board with the benefit of stake ownership rights from whatever deal that emanates from this worthwhile project.
Qualified to make this level of investment? Then you could please contact us by sending an email to: afrinvestproject@gmail.com


Every human capital development program must also be aimed at empowering its recipients with adequate & relevant knowledge required to advance a society. A network plan can also be introduced to this end, which would focus on “knowledge sharing” targeted at growing the capacity of Africans. Our model features such service plan, in view of a system that encourages the availability of relevant knowledge poised to grow the capacity of Africans, hence empowering them to also make meaningful contributions towards societal change. We shall introduce on our network operational plan, knowledge focused related subjects that bother around development in today’s Africa.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do you currently have on your network circle possible contacts that can serve as a vehicle to project this worthy cause before African Development Bank (AfDB)? Or maybe, you could link us with an organization or international body that could play this role effectively.
Then you would be needed to use this as an avenue to become an investor in this huge Africa wide project that promises development, prosperity & generational change for the entire African community, and AfDB remains the only platform to leverage in driving this cause effectively
This is indeed an opportunity to explore, as it promises untold wealth and prosperity for the African community, while also giving you a stage to make your own significant contribution to the African Dream.

If this information interests you & you see the possibility to invest as touching the afore-mentioned subject of availing us possible contacts & links, then you could please contact us: afrinvestproject@gmail.com

Tuesday 28 January 2014


The making of a new Africa will stolidly depend on the service consciousness that embodies Africans.We need an Africa where everyone becomes service oriented.With this, we would begin to have leaders who are selfless in the discharge of their leadership roles, putting people first with every single aspect of their decisions, we need businessmen who will focus on genuine customer service & satisfaction; meeting the needs of the people in the market place and not just overhead profits, an average worker who would strive to invest effectively in an attempt to add qualitative value to his/her superior at work and not just waiting till month end to get a paycheck.The entire African community hereby becomes a better place when we all dig in our heels with a genuine mindset to serve & really serve.Then and only then would Africa experience the greatest shift that would endear sustainable development in Africa...IT'S A NEW AFRICA!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do you currently have on your network circle possible contacts that can serve as a vehicle to project this worthy cause before African Development Bank (AfDB)? Or maybe, you could link us with an organization or international body that could play this role effectively. Then you would be needed to use this as an avenue to become an investor in this huge Africa wide project that promises development, prosperity & generational change for the entire African community, and AfDB remains the only platform to leverage in driving this cause effectively
This is indeed an opportunity to explore, as it promises untold wealth and prosperity for the African community, while also giving you a stage to make your own significant contribution to the African Dream.
If this information interests you & you see the possibility to invest as touching the afore-mentioned subject of availing us possible contacts & links, then you could please contact us: afrinvestproject@gmail.com


The making of a new Africa will stolidly depend on the service consciousness that embodies Africans.We need an Africa where everyone becomes service oriented.With this we would begin to have leaders who are selfless in the discharge of their leadership roles, putting people first with every single aspect of their decisions, we need businessmen who will focus on genuine customer service & satisfaction; meeting the needs of the people in the market place and not just overhead profits, an average worker would strive to invest effectively in an attempt to add qualitative value to the superior at work and not just waiting till month end to get a paycheck.The entire African community hereby becomes a better place when we all dig in our heels with a genuine mindset to serve & really serve.Then and only then would Africa experience the greatest shift that would endear sustainable sustainable development in Africa...IT'S A NEW AFRICA!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do you currently have on your network circle possible contacts that can serve as a vehicle to project this worthy cause before African Development Bank (AfDB)? Or maybe, you could link us with an organization or international body that could play this role effectively. Then you would be needed to use this as an avenue to become an investor in this huge Africa wide project that promises development, prosperity & generational change for the entire African community, and AfDB remains the only platform to leverage in driving this cause effectively
This is indeed an opportunity to explore, as it promises untold wealth and prosperity for the African community, while also giving you a stage to make your own significant contribution to the African Dream.
If this information interests you & you see the possibility to invest as touching the afore-mentioned subject of availing us possible contacts & links, then you could please contact us: afrinvestproject@gmail.com


The making of a new Africa will stolidly depend on the service consciousness that embodies Africans.We need an Africa where everyone becomes service oriented.With this we would begin to have leaders who are selfless in the discharge of their leadership roles, putting people first with every single aspect of their decisions, we need businessmen who will focus on genuine customer service & satisfaction; meeting the needs of the people in the market place and not just overhead profits, an average worker would strive to invest effectively in an attempt to add qualitative value to the superior at work and not just waiting till month end to get a paycheck.The entire African community hereby becomes a better place when we all dig in our heels with a genuine mindset to serve & really serve.Then and only then would Africa experience the greatest shift that would endear sustainable sustainable development in Africa...IT'S A NEW AFRICA!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do you currently have on your network circle possible contacts that can serve as a vehicle to project this worthy cause before African Development Bank (AfDB)? Or maybe, you could link us with an organization or international body that could play this role effectively. Then you would be needed to use this as an avenue to become an investor in this huge Africa wide project that promises development, prosperity & generational change for the entire African community, and AfDB remains the only platform to leverage in driving this cause effectively
This is indeed an opportunity to explore, as it promises untold wealth and prosperity for the African community, while also giving you a stage to make your own significant contribution to the African Dream.
If this information interests you & you see the possibility to invest as touching the afore-mentioned subject of availing us possible contacts & links, then you could please contact us: afrinvestproject@gmail.com

Monday 27 January 2014


Through the NETWORK SYSTEM obtained on our model, we are also leveraging the input & human resource capacity of Africans in terms of ideas, human resource & expertise in driving the cause towards sustainable development.The network operational plan built into our model also creates a wide range of learning opportunities for Africans on our network service system to grow in capacity, which goes a long way to positively influence human capital output within the African community. The truth is; A NETWORK SYSTEM remains the surest way to create that platform which can guarantee the reality of a truly developed & transformed Africa. 

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do you currently have on your network circle possible contacts that can serve as a vehicle to project this worthy cause before African Development Bank (AfDB)? Or maybe, you could link us with an organization or international body that could play this role effectively. Then you would be needed to use this as an avenue to become an investor in this huge Africa wide project that promises development, prosperity & generational change for the entire African community, and AfDB remains the only platform to leverage in driving this cause effectively
This is indeed an opportunity to explore, as it promises untold wealth and prosperity for the African community, while also giving you a stage to make your own significant contribution towards the African Dream.
If this information interests you & you see the possibility to invest as touching the afore-mentioned subject of availing us possible contacts & links, then you could please contact us: afrinvestproject@gmail.com


In the new Africa that's currently emerging, there's a need for we Africans to begin to forge personal & corporate relationships that can strengthen synergy, hence sustaining a culture that will drive civilization & development.The new Africa about emerging will not happen by chance, but it will only when we as Africans are willing to build positive relationships, not just relationships based on greed, insecurity & unhealthy competition, but relationships based on trust, leverage & synergy.This must be the rhythm that will accompany the new Africa that's about emerging...IT'S A NEW AFRICA!
IMPORTANT NOTICE: It would also interest you to know that you could be among those constituting the directorate board in respect of this huge Africa wide project, simply by creating possible contacts within your personal network circle that could serve as potential links to AfDB, hence giving us the opportunity of showcasing & exhibiting this huge project before the AfDB corporate team. Whoever person/organization that gives us a successful link to the African Development Bank(AfDB) qualifies to come on our directorate board with the benefit of stake ownership rights from whatever deal that follows this project.
Qualified to make this level of investment? Then you could please contact us by sending an email to: afrinvestproject@gmail.com

Friday 24 January 2014


In view of the above, we have carefully developed an ‘operational model’ we call the ‘’AFRINVEST MODEL’’ that would wield maximum effectiveness in view of ensuring the possibility of AfDB’s commitment to actualizing the African Dream. This model which has been carefully developed for over 2 years has within its operational system, a feasible plan having the potential of sustaining a pragmatic & long term development in Africa. This would become a more effective mercenary within AFDB’s corporate operational system in delivering her mission much more effectively as Africa’s no 1 premier finance institution.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do you currently have on your network circle possible contacts that can serve as a vehicle to project this worthy cause before African Development Bank (AfDB)? Or maybe, you could link us with an organization or international body that could play this role effectively. Then you would be needed to use this as an avenue to become an investor in this huge Africa wide project that promises development, prosperity & generational change for the entire African community, and AfDB remains the only platform to leverage in driving this cause effectively
This is indeed an opportunity to explore, as it promises untold wealth and prosperity for the African community, while also giving you a stage to make your own significant contribution to the African Dream.

 If this information interests you & you see the possibility to invest as touching the afore-mentioned subject of availing us possible contacts & links, then you could please contact us: afrinvestproject@gmail.com


Generally speaking, the African community will be known amongst other things, for her syndrome of living that's often void of a principle center.Isn't it amazing how Africans now clamor for leadership positions in government offices? Some even go the extra mile to give out perks to the public just to win an election, thereby revealing the very  insincerity of their leadership ambitions?The sad news is; we still have a community of Africans who are merely living for today & not tomorrow,with majority thinking survival & not significance.This alone becomes instrumental to the eroding sense of values that has befallen Africa.The NEW AFRICA about emerging is one that will be driven by values strictly centered on accurate principles that will drive development.So with this conditioning, Africans will do things not necessarily because they are popular or convenient, but because they are RIGHT.Communities develop when the people in it are willing & committed to embracing the rightness of principles towards communal development & prosperity...THINK NEW AFRICA!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do you currently have on your network circle possible contacts that can serve as vehicle to project this worthy cause before African Development Bank (AfDB)? Or maybe, you could link us with an organization or international body that could play this role effectively. Then you would be needed to use this as an avenue to become an investor in this huge Africa wide project that promises development, prosperity & generational change for the entire African community, and AfDB remains the only platform to leverage in driving this cause effectively
This is indeed an opportunity to explore, as it promises untold wealth and prosperity for the African community, while also giving you a stage to make your own significant contribution to the African Dream.
If this information interests you & you see the possibility to invest as touching the afore-mentioned subject of availing us possible contacts & links, then you could please contact us: afrinvestproject@gmail.com

Monday 20 January 2014


The AFRINVEST PROJECT is majorly a resource development concept that specializes in exploring diverse possibilities for the maximization of human potential, for a guaranteed sustainable development, with a keen focus on the African community. One primary goal of this resource development project is to see to the creation, monitoring & effective management of concepts, systems & technologies that would collectively set the stage for the creation of “A NEW AFRICA” with the leverage of the online/social media platform.
Having clearly gone through most of AFDB’s laudable projects in Africa, we could identify a spirit that clearly communicates her sense of commitment towards wielding sustainable development in Africa. To this end, AFRINVEST, having identified AFDB’s efforts to ensuring a pattern of sustainable growth & development within the African community, we are willing to also launch out in firm support of AFDB’s efforts in creating an environment that can sustain development in Africa.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: It would also interest you to know that you could be among those constituting the directorate board in respect of this huge Africa wide project, simply by creating possible contacts within your personal network circle that could serve as potential links to AfDB, hence giving us the opportunity of showcasing & exhibiting this huge project before the AfDB corporate team. Whoever person/organization that gives us a successful link to the African Development Bank(AfDB) qualifies to come on our directorate board with the benefit of stake ownership rights from whatever deal that follows this project.
Qualified to make this level of investment? Then you could please contact us by sending an email to: afrinvestproject@gmail.com


Africans need to be conscious of how they often tend to express limitations or even mistakes.Though it's often said that mistakes usually form a vital part of our education, however it must be clearly noted that leaders in echelons of power and positions in Africa, need to possess an instinct for wise decision making.The outcome of any given society is tied to the power of the decision making process in leadership.This explains the reason why our African leaders in whatever position from where they exert their leadership influence must be keen to avoid likely loopholes in their leadership operations, which could pose lethal effects on the entire community.We need to be careful about decisions we make, in order to avoid possible mistakes that could pose risky consequences on the African community.This of course isn't a call to perfection, but rather a call to be meticulous in the way we discharge our leadership duties, particularly in the area of decision making, the future of an entire community depends largely upon just that.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do you currently have on your network circle possible contacts that can serve as vehicle to project this worthy cause before African Development Bank (AfDB)? Or maybe, you could link us with an organization or international body that could play this role effectively. Then you would be needed to use this as an avenue to become an investor in this huge Africa wide project that promises development, prosperity & generational change for the entire African community, and AfDB remains the only platform to leverage in driving this cause effectively
This is indeed an opportunity to explore, as it promises untold wealth and prosperity for the African community, while also giving you a stage to make your own significant contribution to the African Dream.
If this information interests you & you see the possibility to invest as touching the afore-mentioned subject of availing us possible contacts & links, then you could please contact us: afrinvestproject@gmail.com

Friday 17 January 2014


If an effective human capital development ie one that can transform a society is our goal, then our focus must shift from structures to people.
While investing in structures (building Schools, Universities & resource centers, etc) are laudable & commendable efforts, there must also be a consideration being made towards the ‘people of Africa’.By now, it should be clear to us that structures only provide the necessary platform for building people, they don’t necessarily build the people.
Our model, via the aid of its NETWORK OPERATIONAL PLAN, will create the platform for the maximum engagement of four (4) vital elements of human nature that must be explored maximally if we would ever generate the necessary human capital resource that will drive this continent into her next phase of advancement.These elements are:
  • Patriotism
  • Passion
  • Ideas
  • Knowledge
IMPORTANT NOTICE: It would also interest you to know that you could be among those constituting the directorate board in respect of this huge Africa wide project, simply by creating possible contacts within your personal network circle that could serve as potential links to AfDB, hence giving us the opportunity of showcasing & exhibiting this huge project before the AfDB corporate team. Whoever person/organization that gives us a successful link to the African Development Bank(AfDB) qualifies to come on our directorate board with the benefit of stake ownership rights from whatever deal that follows this project
Qualified to make this level of investment? Then you could please contact us by sending an email to: afrinvestproject@gmail.com


While building a career either on your job or even your business, one thing needs to be very clear ie the place of a sense of mission with regards that in which you've chosen to make a career out of.The mindset of the average African today is simply tied to what to get now, with no sense of mission towards that which most of them often pursue as a career.A sense of mission however remains the one & only way to make the most of any given career.But most importantly, what must  underlie your sense of mission will have to be a sense of service within your career circle.The African culture has not really embraced the place of mission consciousness with regards to career development either at the workplace or the business world.It is this sense of mission that stirs and awakens innovation & productivity which Africa is currently calling for in order to thrive economically.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do you currently have on your network circle possible contacts that can serve as vehicle to project this worthy cause before African Development Bank (AfDB)? Or maybe, you could link us with an organization or international body that could play this role effectively. Then you would be needed to use this as an avenue to become an investor in this huge Africa wide project that promises development, prosperity & generational change for the entire African community, and AfDB remains the only platform to leverage in driving this cause effectively
This is indeed an opportunity to explore, as it promises untold wealth and prosperity for the African community, while also giving you a stage to make your own significant contribution to the African Dream.
If this information interests you & you see the possibility to invest as touching the afore-mentioned subject of availing us possible contacts & links, then you could please contact us: afrinvestproject@gmail.com

Thursday 9 January 2014


It’s usually very common to see businesses often shoot off, with every bit of laudable and lofty goals of achievement, yet without an appropriate road map which factors in all of the business realities that are bound to confront the success chances of such business. It’s no longer news seeing African business people now starting businesses without a business plan, even those that often claim to have one still fail to factor in the very accurate indices by which such business is to thrive in the market place. It has become common place thinking for an average African business person to think that his greatest need is finance, whereas what he really needs is an accurate blue print & plan that guarantees the successful outcome of the business…THINK NEW AFRICA!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do you currently have on your network circle possible contacts that can serve as vehicle to project this worthy cause before African Development Bank (AfDB)? Or maybe, you could link us with an organization or international body that could play this role effectively. Then you would be needed to use this as an avenue to become an investor in this huge Africa wide project that promises development, prosperity & generational change for the entire African community, and AfDB remains the only platform to leverage in driving this cause effectively
This is indeed an opportunity to explore, as it promises untold wealth and prosperity for the African community, while also giving you a stage to make your own significant contribution to the African Dream.
If this information interests you & you see the possibility to invest as touching the afore-mentioned subject of availing us possible contacts & links, then you could please contact us: afrinvestproject@gmail.com


It’s usually very shoot off, with every bit of laudable and lofty goals of achievement, yet without an appropriate road map which factors in all of the business realities that are bound to confront the success chances of such business. It’s no longer news seeing African business people now starting businesses without a business plan, even those that often claim to have one still fail to factor in the very accurate indices by which such business is to thrive in the market place. It has become common place thinking for an average African business person to think that his greatest need is finance, whereas what he really needs is an accurate blue print & plan that guarantees the successful outcome of the business…THINK NEW AFRICA!
common to see businesses often

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do you currently have on your network circle possible contacts that can serve as vehicle to project this worthy cause before African Development Bank (AfDB)? Or maybe, you could link us with an organization or international body that could play this role effectively. Then you would be needed to use this as an avenue to become an investor in this huge Africa wide project that promises development, prosperity & generational change for the entire African community, and AfDB remains the only platform to leverage in driving this cause effectively
This is indeed an opportunity to explore, as it promises untold wealth and prosperity for the African community, while also giving you a stage to make your own significant contribution to the African Dream.
If this information interests you & you see the possibility to invest as touching the afore-mentioned subject of availing us possible contacts & links, then you could please contact us: afrinvestproject@gmail.com


While bank aids, grants & loans are no longer proving effective with regards to the current economic situation in Africa, our MODEL has developed a productivity-centered-economic system that will place a demand on Africans to maximize & make the most of what they naturally produce, in view of creating an industry out of what they naturally produce that can meet the demands of the global market.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do you currently have on your network circle possible contacts that can serve as vehicle to project this worthy cause before African Development Bank (AfDB)? Or maybe, you could link us with an organization or international body that could play this role effectively. Then you would be needed to use this as an avenue to become an investor in this huge Africa wide project that promises development, prosperity & generational change for the entire African community, and AfDB remains the only platform to leverage in driving this cause effectively
This is indeed an opportunity to explore, as it promises untold wealth and prosperity for the African community, while also giving you a stage to make your own significant contribution to the African Dream.
If this information interests you & you see the possibility to invest as touching the afore-mentioned subject of availing us possible contacts & links, then you could please contact us: afrinvestproject@gmail.com


Every leadership position wielded isn’t just a passive position, but an active one, particularly against injustice, corruption & disorderliness. It’s sad to admit that most Africans in leadership positions are yet to come to grasp with the fact that leadership isn’t really about a position to occupy, but about what corruption and injustice is being fought by reason of that position being occupied
. What injustice was stopped because of that position you claim to occupy? Which corruption issues were sorted by reason of that very position? A leadership position that’s too weak to rise against corruption, disorderliness and injustice is as good as VACANT. An effective leadership position is one that promotes order and demotes disorderliness, promotes justice & fairness but demotes injustice and corruption. This is what describes an effective leadership position committed to positive change.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:It would also interest you to know that you could be among those constituting the directorate board in respect of this huge Africa wide project, simply by creating possible contacts within your personal network circle that could serve as potential links to AfDB, hence giving us the opportunity of showcasing & exhibiting this huge project before the AfDB corporate team. Whoever person or organization that gives a successful link to the African Development Bank (AfDB) qualifies to come on our directorate board with the benefit of stake ownership rights from whatever deal that emanates from this worthwhile project.
Qualified to make this level of investment? Then you could please contact us by sending an email to: afrinvestproject@gmail.com