Monday 2 December 2013


Our MODEL therefore also has within its operational package, a major concept that explores diverse areas of opportunities to really tap into our human resource capacity, to be able to deploy the creative & entrepreneurial genius in Africans, which according to our MODEL remains the only leverage we need to drive our economy into progress.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:It would also interest you to know that you could be among those constituting the directorate board in respect of this huge Africa wide project, simply by creating possible contacts within your personal network circle that could serve as potential links to AfDB, hence giving us the opportunity of showcasing & exhibiting this huge project before the AfDB corporate team. Whoever person or organization that gives a successful link to the African Development Bank(AfDB) qualifies to come on our directorate board with the benefit of stake ownership rights from whatever deal that emanates from this worthwhile project.
Qualified to make this level of investment? Then you could please contact us by sending an email to:


If our productivity margin in Africa doesn’t go beyond what we produce as African nations, we would continue to remain at this state of economic depression. It is therefore to this end that our MODEL majorly addresses this subject of ‘relative productivity’ with regards individual African nations. This hence explains the major reason why our network system is of utmost priority to our MODEL on economic reformation, as we know as a team that the economic system that can transform Africa is a “people focused economy”, where the people are delegated the necessary power & initiative to drive the economy through the power of creative & innovative ideas.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:It would also interest you to know that you could be among those constituting the directorate board in respect of this huge Africa wide project, simply by creating possible contacts within your personal network circle that could serve as potential links to AfDB, hence giving us the opportunity of showcasing & exhibiting this huge project before the AfDB corporate team. Whoever person or organization that gives a successful link to the African Development Bank(AfDB) qualifies to come on our directorate board with the benefit of stake ownership rights from whatever deal that emanates from this worthwhile project.
Qualified to make this level of investment? Then you could please contact us by sending an email to:


Having being identified as the continent with the highest poverty rating according to World Bank’s Chief  economist for Africa; Shanta Devaragan, we need to look closely at more practical ways to resolve the current economic crisis within the African community.
Following the obvious ineffectiveness of loans & grants, which in a way have only excelled at bringing several African nations into indebtedness & further impoverishment. Until the African community of nations begins to consider the place of relative productivity ie not just productivity in relation to what they produce naturally, but productivity as it relates to the ability to build an industry around that which is being produced, then we can’t really boast of an economy that will thrive.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do you currently have on your network circle possible contacts that can serve as a vehicle to project this worthy cause before African Development Bank (AfDB)? Or maybe, you could link us with an organization or international body that could play this role effectively. Then you would be needed to use this as an avenue to become an investor in this huge Africa wide project that promises development, prosperity & generational change for the entire African community, and AfDB remains the only platform to leverage in driving this cause effectively
This is indeed an opportunity to explore, as it promises untold wealth and prosperity for the African community, while also giving you a stage to make your own significant contribution to the African Dream.
If this information interests you & you see the possibility to invest as touching the afore-mentioned subject of availing us possible contacts & links, then you could please contact us:


While bank aids, grants & loans are no longer proving effective with regards to the current economic situation in Africa, our MODEL has developed a productivity-centered-economic system that will place a demand on Africans to maximize & make the most of what they naturally produce, in view of creating an industry out of what they naturally produce that can meet the demands of the global market.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Do you currently have on your network circle possible contacts that can serve as vehicle to project this worthy cause before African Development Bank (AfDB)? Or maybe, you could link us with an organization or international body that could play this role effectively. Then you would be needed to use this as an avenue to become an investor in this huge Africa wide project that promises development, prosperity & generational change for the entire African community, and AfDB remains the only platform to leverage in driving this cause effectively
This is indeed an opportunity to explore, as it promises untold wealth and prosperity for the African community, while also giving you a stage to make your own significant contribution to the African Dream.
If this information interests you & you see the possibility to invest as touching the afore-mentioned subject of availing us possible contacts & links, then you could please contact us: