Thursday 21 November 2013


Every community thrives or develops, based on the idea that its people believe greatly in it & are willing to put in their very best towards its development.
·         Through the NETWORK SYSTEM obtained on our model, we are also leveraging the input & human resource capacity of Africans in terms of ideas, human resource & expertise in driving the cause towards sustainable development in Africa.
·         Our network operational plan built into our model also creates a wide range of learning opportunities for Africans on our network service system to grow in capacity, which goes a long way to positively influence human capital output within the African community.
The truth is; A NETWORK SYSTEM remains the surest way to create that platform which can guarantee the reality of a truly developed & transformed Africa.
Updates on our network operational strategy will yet be coming your way just to let you see the major features which have been packaged on our network system to generate the required traffic to wield this cause before us.
TIMELESS OPPORTUNITY: An opportunity to chart your own cause to the directorate board of this great project simply by joining us in creating possible contacts that can serve as potential links to African Development Bank (AfDB),hence widening the possibility for this great project to be showcased & exhibited before the AfDB corporate body.
If you believe you qualify for this timeless opportunity, you could contact us by sending us a reply, either directly on this blog platform, or send an email to


This network system to be availed on the “AFRINVEST MODEL” will have as its primary focus of attention on the human capital medium, as a way of connecting with Africans on a community online service system, in view of a social network platform which would productively engage the interests, commitments & ideas of Africans in a way that would build the necessary synergy required to drive our cause towards African development.
We are particular about the “network system” as it has become a major tool that can set the stage for long lasting & sustainable change within Africa.
The following are roles a viable NETWORK SYSTEM as touching the African community can play:

  • Our model will utilize a network system of Africans to project what we call THE AFRICAN DREAM; in a way to firstly gain the interest & commitment of Africans towards this worthy cause.
  • Our model will also leverage a network system to challenge the patriotic spirit of Africans in an attempt to get them believe in Africa as a continent FIRST, hence having them commit their very best in making real the African Dream.

TIMELESS OPPORTUNITY: An opportunity to chart your own cause to the directorate board of this great project simply by joining us in creating possible contacts that can serve as potential links to African Development Bank (AfDB),hence widening the possibility for this great project to be showcased & exhibited before the AfDB corporate body.
If you believe you qualify for this timeless opportunity, you could contact us by sending us a reply, either directly on this blog platform, or send an email to


This network system to be availed on the “AFRINVEST MODEL” will have as its primary focus of attention on the human capital medium, as a way of connecting with Africans on a community online service system, in view of a social network platform which would productively engage the interests, commitments & ideas of Africans in a way that would build the necessary synergy required to drive our cause towards African development.
We are particular about the “network system” as it has become a major tool that can set the stage for long lasting & sustainable change within Africa.
The following are roles a viable NETWORK SYSTEM as touching the African community can play:

Our model will utilize a network system of Africans to project what we call THE AFRICAN DREAM; in a way to firstly gain the interest & commitment of Africans towards this worthy cause.

Our model will also leverage a network system to challenge the patriotic spirit of Africans in an attempt to get them believe in Africa as a continent FIRST, hence having them commit their very best in making real the African Dream.

TIMELESS OPPORTUNITY: An opportunity to chart your own cause to the directorate board of this great project simply by joining us in creating possible contacts that can serve as potential links to African Development Bank (AfDB),hence widening the possibility for this great project to be showcased & exhibited before the AfDB corporate body.
If you believe you qualify for this timeless opportunity, you could contact us by sending us a reply, either directly on this blog platform, or send an email to