Monday 3 February 2014


To this end, our mission right now is to create an alliance with well meaning Africans out there in view of leveraging their individual network in creating possible contacts that can serve as potential links to this Africa’s premier finance institution (AfDB), and this is where your role as a person would be greatly needed.

Do you currently have on your network circle possible contacts that can serve as a vehicle to project this worthy cause before African Development Bank (AfDB)? Or maybe, you could link us with an organization or international body that could play this role effectively. 
Then you would be needed to use this as an avenue to become an investor in this huge Africa wide project that promises development, prosperity & generational change for the entire African community, and AfDB remains the only platform to leverage in driving this cause effectively.
ACCRUED BENEFITS: Investing on this level ie just availing us a possible contact that will successfully link us with African Development Bank (AfDB), fetches you the following benefits:
  •   DIRECTORATE BOARD MEMBERSHIP: An opportunity to come on our executive board as a director in this huge project with all the privileges that this project portends.
  • STAKE OWNERSHIP BENEFIT: An opportunity to own stakes on this project, in view of the huge financial gains that accompanies the intended multi-million dollar worth project
  • SIGNIFICANCE STATUS OPPORTUNITY: An opportunity to be part of a cause committed to making significant impact in the continent of Africa, hence making you a contributor to the fulfillment of the AFRICAN DREAM.
This is indeed an opportunity to explore, as it promises untold wealth and prosperity for the African community, while also giving you a stage to make your own significant contribution to the African Dream. If this information interests you & you see the possibility to invest as touching the afore-mentioned subject of availing us possible contacts & links, then you could please contact us: